Run something
Some examples of the kind of things that would be very welcome at Metagame:
- Gradient descent themed escape room - We provide the physical space, you design and run the room over the course of the conference.
- Game design hackathon - We (civilization as a whole) have the pieces for games like Senet and Ludus Latrunculorum, but not the rules. Want to run a hackathon where competitors come up with the rule book, and judges play each version and choose the best?
- Trading-based Survivor variant - What if Survivor had live markets, with trading based rounds between tribal councils?
The easiest way to get involved is to join the Discord.
The Megagame
Upon arrival, Players will be split into two teams as part of a conference-long Megagame. If you have a format for a contest/game/tournament, consider running it as part of the Megagame. Many more details to follow.
The Website
That's the thing you're looking at right now. There are games hidden all over, with coupon codes attached in many cases. You can add your own games, coupons, and easter eggs here.