
A conference about game design, strategy, narrative, and play. Join us September 12-14 in Berkeley, California.

What is Metagame?

Brought to you by the Quant Trading Bootcamp team, Metagame is a weekend conference devoted to games. We mean games in the broadest sense of the word: any experience that is designed to be played, as opposed to passively consumed. This includes board games, card games, videogames, tabletop games, LARPs, puzzles, rock climbing routes, and more. If building it involves asking the question "what would the consumer of this experience choose to do next?", it's a game.

My guess is the event will lean extremely toward the "communal, chaotic, unconferenc-y" end of the professionalism spectrum, with a lot of the [sessions? experiences? internal plot devices?] designed by attendees.

This is not a 🟡coincidence, because nothing is ever a 🟡coincidence.


Run something

We will provide the venue, the resources, and the very eager audience, and you can run whatever experimental game concept you've been toying with.

Need a weirdly shaped space to build a gradient descent themed escape room? Want to run a game design tournament where you provide the board and pieces and contestants come up with the rules? Looking for hundreds of willing subjects for a social deception experiment that isn't quite ready for prime time?

Metagame is the conference for you.


Who else will be there?

Grab a ticket!


Volunteer for 6 shifts over the weekend



Early bird price through June 1st, 2025




We will name a game after you


Sound fun? Want to take part?

Thinking about sponsoring us, or maybe partnerting with us? Something else in mind?